TO PUT YOURSELF IN MY PLACE

Massage Office photographed facing Chinese art display cabinet
Chaim's massage office cabinet


Please call me at


It is important that we talk before our first meeting.

Thank you,


My office is warm and bathed in natural light and above downtown Portland.


My office is at 1220 SW Morrison - about three blocks from the downtown Central Library . I'm on the 11th floor and my name is on the door.

Parking on 14th street is usually easiest.

If you bicycle, bring your bike up to the 11th floor.

If you use MAX you have two blocks to walk from 10th and Morrison,
or three blocks from 10th and Yamhill.

50 horse boat

I take payment in check or cash

My rates are 
$85 per hour.
$50 for one half hour.
$135 for an hour and a half.
 If you need to change or cancel an appointment, please do it 48 hours in advance of the time you have reserved.